Referat: Virtuelle Globen |
Modul: Ausgewählte Kapitel der Kartographie (Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin) |
Referenten: Bennet Schulte |
Moderation: Prof. Dr. J. Schweikart |
21.04.2009 12:00 - 12:20 Uhr |
Dauer: ca.
20 min |
1. PowerPoint Presentation |
2. KN Artikel |
Schweikart, Pieper, Schulte (2009)
Virtuelle Globen – Entwicklungsgeschichte und Perspektiven
Virtual Globes – Historical Development and Perspectives
Kartographische Nachrichten 03/2009 59. Jahrgang
Kirschbaum Verlag, Bonn. ISSN 0022-9164 |
3. Liste virtueller Globen |
Name |
Year |
3D Weather Globe & Atlas |
2005 |
3D World Map |
Art+Com TerraVision |
1995 |
Blue Marble's Talking Globe CD (2D) |
1994 |
Brockhaus Multimedial Atlas |
2008 |
Celestia |
2001 |
CitySurf Globe |
2009 |
Dapple Earth Explorer (NWW) |
2006 |
Deutsche Telekom T-Vision |
1995 |
Diercke Globus Online |
2008 |
DK 3D World Atlas |
2002 |
Earth Browser |
1999 |
Earth View |
Earth-Browser |
Earthsim |
EarthSLOT |
2004 |
Eingana |
2000 |
Erdas Imagine Virtual GIS |
2005 |
ESRI ArcGIS Explorer |
2002 |
ESRI ArcGlobe (2003) |
2003 |
Gaia |
GeoFusion GeoPlayer |
2001 |
GeoFusion Geoplayer Mars |
2001 |
GeoVirtual |
GeoVirtual GeoShow3D |
Global-i |
2005 |
Google Earth |
2005 |
Google Earth Plug-In |
2009 |
2006 |
Hipparchus |
1992 |
KDE-Marble |
2008 |
Keyhole Earthviewer (now Google Earth) |
2001 |
Lunar Software Earthbrowser |
1998 |
Mark Pesce's WebEarth |
1995 |
Microsoft Encarta Enzyklopädie Atlas |
1998 |
Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D |
2006 |
NASA World Wind (2003) |
2003 |
Nasa World Wind Java (NWW) |
2008 |
National Geographic: Der Große 3D-Globus |
2003 |
Nintendo Wii-Globe |
2006 |
Nookaart Virtual Globe |
2001 |
osgPlanet |
2004 |
ossimPlanet |
2008 |
Ping 3map |
2005 |
Planet 9's VirtualEarth |
1995 |
Planet Earth (now Earth Browser) |
1998 |
Poly9 FreeEarth |
Punt |
2005 |
Punt (NWW) |
SINTEF Virtual Globe (now Norkart Virtual Globe since 2006) |
2001 |
Skyline Software TerraSuite |
2001 |
SRI Terravision |
2000 |
Talent Cruiser |
Viewtec TerrainView |
Virtual Spectator |
Virtual Terrain Project |
Volvo Ocean Race Virtual Spectator |
2005 |
Wayfinder Earth |
2006 |
4. Globen Screens |
3D Weather Globe & Atlas (2005) |
ESRI ArcGIS Explorer 500 (2008) |
Brockhaus Multimedial 2009 Atlas ( w.Screen) |
Dapple Earth Explorer 2.0.3 (2008)
Diercke Globus Online 2.0 (2008)
DK 3D World Atlas (2002) |
Microsoft Encarta 2009 Enzyklopädie (Atlas) (weitere Screens: [1] [2])
Geoplayer Professional (2008)
Geoplayer Mars 1.4.3 (2008)
Google Earth 3.x (2005) |
NASA World Wind Java 0.5.0 (2008)
National Geographic: Der große 3D-Globus (2006)
National Geographic: Der große 3D-Globus 3.0 Premium (2007) (w. Screen)
ossimPlanet 1.7.13 (2008)
Skyline TerraExplorer 5.1.1 (2008)
Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D (2008)
Keyhole 2 Enterprise Client (2004)
5. Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit |
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2022-02-26 2:59
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